Linear Algebra Resources

Linear algebra is an interesting and wide-ranging subject, and everyone has an opinion on how and when it should be taught. As a result, there is a huge number of open linear algebra textbooks out there! This page links to a few that have been used in the two linear algebra courses at U of L, and a few others we think are just nice books.

Math 1410

A First Course in Linear Algebra, by Kenneth Kuttler

Linear Algebra with Applications, by Keith Nicholson (Math 1410 is Chapters 1-4, and selected topics in Chapter 5)

There is also a textbook available in PDF, created by Sean Fitzpatrick. This book is based on the text Matrix Algebra, by Greg Hartman, using content from APEX Calculus. Both books can be found on the APEX Calculus website.

This book is suitable for Math 1410 and available in both colour (for use as an e-book) and black and white (for printing).

Colour version (for use as an e-book)

Black and white version (for printing)

Math 3410

Sean Fitzpatrick has written a set of lecture notes for Math 3410 in PreTeXt. These notes feature embedded code cells that allow students to perform computations using Python code. (Code provided: no programming experience necessary!) These notes are based in part on the textbook by Keith Nicholson.

Linear Algebra, a second course, featuring proofs and Python, by Sean Fitzpatrick.

HTML version, with interactive code cells:

PDF e-book (aligns with HTML version):

PreTeXt-generated PDF, optimized for printing:

The textbook is also now available via the University of Lethbridge Runestone server, which allows for expanded interactivity, including the ability to complete exercises in the textbook for course credit.

The worksheets in the textbook are also available as Jupyter notebooks

Other books suitable for Math 3410 include the books by Axler and Nicholson. Axler's book is more abstract and focused on proofs, but is very well done. Nicholson's book is good for those interested in applications of linear algebra.

Linear Algebra Done Right, by Sheldon Axler. The book is published by Springer, but is free to download from SpringerLink.

Linear Algebra with Applications, by Keith Nicholson (Math 3410 is Chapters 6-10, and some topics from Chpater 5.)

Other books

The following are additional textbooks that are available as open education resources. To our knowledge, none has been officially assigned as a course textbook at U of L, although some have been listed as additional resources.

A First Course in Linear Algebra, by Rob Beezer. (Rob is the creator of PreTeXt. Despite the title, this book is a bit more advanced than our Math 1410.)

Discover Linear Algebra, by Jeremy Sylvestre. (Jeremy is at U of A Augustana. This book takes a discovery-based approach to learning the subject.)

Understanding Linear Algebra, by David Austin. This is a beautiful book that offers an insightful perspective on linear algebra, and includes many excellent interactive elements. Unfortuantely, it doesn't fit the curriculum for either of our linear algebra courses.

Interactive Linear Algebra, by Dan Margalit and Joseph Rabinoff. An online textbook with plenty of interactive content.

Page maintained by Sean Fitzpatrick. .