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Appendix D
List of Notation

Symbol Description Location
\(n!\) \(n\) factorial Notation 3.1.4
\(\binom{n}{r}\) \(n\) choose \(r\) Notation 3.2.4
\(\multiset{n}{r}\) \(n\) multichoose \(r\) Notation 5.1.4
\(\binom{n}{r_1,\ldots,r_m}\) \(n\) choose \(r_1\) and \(\ldots\) and \(r_m\) Notation 5.2.3
\(\hbox{(IH)}\) Inductive Hypothesis Definition 6.2.2
\(V\) set of vertices of a graph Definition
\(E\) set of edges of a graph Definition
\(E(G)\) edge set of the graph \(G\) Definition 11.2.1
\(V(G)\) vertex set of the graph \(G\) Definition 11.2.1
\(u \sim v\) \(u\) is adjacent to \(v\) Notation 11.2.5
\(uv\) the edge between vertices \(u\) and \(v\) Notation 11.2.5
\(\hbox{val}(v)\) valency of \(v\) Notation 11.2.8
\(\hbox{deg}(v)\) valency (degree) of \(v\) Notation 11.2.8
\(d(v)\) valency (degree) of \(v\) Notation 11.2.8
\(d_G(v)\) valency (degree) of \(v\) in \(G\) Notation 11.2.8
\(G\setminus\{v\}\) \(G\) with vertex \(v\) deleted Notation 11.3.2
\(G\setminus S\) \(G\) with the set \(S\) of vertices deleted Notation 11.3.2
\(G\setminus\{e\}\) \(G\) with edge \(e\) deleted Notation 11.3.4
\(K_n\) complete graph on \(n\) vertices Definition 11.3.8
\(G^c\) complement of \(G\) Definition 11.3.10
\(\varphi\colon G_1 \to G_2\) \(\varphi\) is a map from the vertices of \(G_1\) to the vertices of \(G_2\) (in this course, always an isomorphism) Notation 11.4.2
\(G_1 \cong G_2\) \(G_1\) is isomorphic to \(G_2\) Notation 11.4.2
\(P_n\) path of length \(n\) Notation 12.3.2
\(C_n\) cycle of length \(n\) Notation 12.3.7
\(\delta\) minimum valency Notation 13.2.5
\(\Delta\) maximum valency Notation 13.2.5
\(\delta(G)\) minimum valency of \(G\) Notation 13.2.5
\(\Delta(G)\) maximum valency of \(G\) Notation 13.2.5
\(\chi'(G)\) chromatic index of \(G\) Notation 14.1.4
\(\chi'\) chromatic index Notation 14.1.4
\(K_{m,n}\) complete bipartite graph Definition 14.1.12
\(c(v)\) number of colours used on edges incident with \(v\) Notation 14.1.15
\(R(n_1, \ldots, n_c)\) Ramsey number Theorem 14.2.8
\(\chi(G)\) chromatic number of \(G\) Notation 14.3.4
\(\chi\) chromatic number Notation 14.3.4
\(F(G)\) set of faces of \(G\) Notation 15.1.7
\(F\) set of faces Notation 15.1.7
\(G^*\) planar dual of \(G\) Definition 15.1.8
\(\hbox{MOLS}\) mutually orthogonal latin squares Definition 16.2.3
\(a \equiv b \pmod{n}\) \(a\) is equivalent to \(b\) modulo \(n\) Notation 16.2.6
\(\mathcal B\) collection of blocks in a design Definition 17.1.1
\(v\) number of varieties in a design Notation 17.1.2
\(b\) number of blocks in a design Notation 17.1.2
\(r\) replication number (number of times each variety appears in the blocks) of a design Definition 17.1.3
\(k\) cardinality of the blocks of a design Definition 17.1.3
\(\lambda\) number of times each pair (or \(t\)-set) of varieties appear together in a block of a (\(t\)-)design Definition 17.1.3
\((b,v,r,k,\lambda)\hbox{-design}\) BIBD with parameters \(b,v,r,k,\lambda\) Paragraph
\(\hbox{BIBD}\) balanced incomplete block design Definition 17.1.5
\(\hbox{BIBD}(v,k,\lambda)\) BIBD with parameters \(v,k, \lambda\) Paragraph
\(\hbox{STS}(v)\) Steiner triple system on \(v\) varieties Notation 18.1.3