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Chapter 11
Basics of Graph Theory

  • graphs are defined by sets, not by diagrams

  • deleting a vertex or edge

  • how to use proofs by induction on graphs

  • Euler's handshaking lemma

  • graph invariants, distinguishing between graphs

  • labeled and unlabeled graphs

  • random graphs

  • Important definitions:

    • graph, vertex, edge

    • loop, multiple edge, multigraph, simple graph

    • endvertex, incident, adjacent, neighbour

    • degree, valency, isolated vertex

    • subgraph, induced subgraph

    • complete graph, complement of a graph

    • isomorphic graphs, isomorphism between graphs

  • Notation:

    • \(\displaystyle u \sim v\)

    • \(\displaystyle uv\)

    • val\((v)\text{,}\) deg\((v)\text{,}\) \(d(v)\text{,}\) \(d_G(v)\)

    • \(G\setminus\{v\}\text{,}\) \(G\setminus\{e\}\)

    • \(\displaystyle K_n, G^c\)

    • \(\displaystyle G_1 \cong G_2\)