Section Solutions for Chapter 13
Solutions to Exercise 13.1.6
Solutions to Exercise 13.2.12
In the closure, we can join \(\displaystyle a\) to \(\displaystyle b\text{;}\) we can join \(\displaystyle a\) to \(\displaystyle c\text{;}\) and we can join \(\displaystyle b\) to \(\displaystyle f\text{.}\) This completes the closure, shown below. It is not easy to see from this whether or not the graph has a Hamilton cycle. In fact, it does not.
The closure of this graph is \(\displaystyle K_6\text{.}\) We can easily see from this that the graph does have a Hamilton cycle. (To see that the closure is \(\displaystyle K_6\text{,}\) observe that every vertex of the graph has valency at least \(\displaystyle 2\text{.}\) Thus, the two vertices of valency \(\displaystyle 4\) can be joined to each of their non-neighbours. After doing so, every vertex has valency at least \(\displaystyle 3\text{,}\) so every vertex can be joined to every other vertex.)