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Section Solutions for Chapter 13

Solutions to Exercise 13.1.6 This graph has Euler tours, because it is connected and all vertices have even valency. One Euler tour is \(\displaystyle (d,f,g,j,a,d,e,i,h,b,f,c,b,i,d)\text{.}\) The following figure numbers the vertices \(\displaystyle 1,2,3,\ldots\) in the order they are visited.

Solutions to Exercise 13.2.12
  1. In the closure, we can join \(\displaystyle a\) to \(\displaystyle b\text{;}\) we can join \(\displaystyle a\) to \(\displaystyle c\text{;}\) and we can join \(\displaystyle b\) to \(\displaystyle f\text{.}\) This completes the closure, shown below. It is not easy to see from this whether or not the graph has a Hamilton cycle. In fact, it does not.

  2. The closure of this graph is \(\displaystyle K_6\text{.}\) We can easily see from this that the graph does have a Hamilton cycle. (To see that the closure is \(\displaystyle K_6\text{,}\) observe that every vertex of the graph has valency at least \(\displaystyle 2\text{.}\) Thus, the two vertices of valency \(\displaystyle 4\) can be joined to each of their non-neighbours. After doing so, every vertex has valency at least \(\displaystyle 3\text{,}\) so every vertex can be joined to every other vertex.) Let \(\displaystyle G\) be the graph that has been shown here. Using the notation of Theorem 13.2.2, let \(\displaystyle S=\{a,f\}\text{.}\) Then \(\displaystyle |S|=2\text{,}\) but \(\displaystyle G\setminus S\) has \(\displaystyle 3\) connected components: \(\displaystyle \{b,e\}\text{,}\) \(\displaystyle \{c,h\}\text{,}\) and \(\displaystyle \{d,g\}\text{.}\) Since \(\displaystyle 3>2\text{,}\) \(\displaystyle G\) cannot have a Hamilton cycle.