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Section 12.3 Paths and cycles

Recall the definition of a walk, Definition 12.2.1. As we saw in Example 12.2.5, the vertices and edges in a walk do not need to be distinct.

There are many circumstances under which we might not want to allow edges or vertices to be re-visited. Efficiency is one possible reason for this. We have a special name for a walk that does not allow vertices to be re-visited.

Definition 12.3.1.

A walk in which no vertex appears more than once is called a path.

Notation 12.3.2.

For \(n \ge 0\text{,}\) a graph on \(n+1\) vertices whose only edges are those used in a path of length \(n\) (which is a walk of length \(n\) that is also a path) is denoted by \(P_n\). (Notice that \(P_0 \cong K_1\) and \(P_1\cong K_2\text{.}\))

Notice that if an edge were to appear more than once in a walk, then at least one of its endvertices would also have to appear more than once, so a path does not allow vertices or edges to be re-visited.

In the graph

\((a,f,c,h)\) is a path of length 3. However, \((a,f,c,h,d,f)\) is not a path, even though no edges are repeated, since the vertex \(f\) appears twice. Both are walks.

Since \(u\) and \(v\) are in the same connected component of a graph, there is a \(u-v\) walk.

Towards a contradiction, suppose that we have a \(u-v\) walk of minimum length that is not a path. By the definition of a path, this means that some vertex \(x\) appears more than once in the walk, so the walk looks like:

\begin{equation*} (u=u_1, \ldots, u_i=x, \ldots, u_j=x, \ldots, u_k=v)\text{,} \end{equation*}

and \(j>i\text{.}\) Observe that the following is also a \(u-v\) walk:

\begin{equation*} (u=u_1, \ldots, u_i=x, u_{j+1}, u_{j+2}, \ldots, u_k=v)\text{.} \end{equation*}

Since consecutive vertices were adjacent in the first sequence, they are also adjacent in the second sequence, so the second sequence is a walk. The length of the first walk is \(k-1\text{,}\) and the length of the second walk is \(k-1-(j-i)\text{.}\) Since \(j>i\text{,}\) the second walk is strictly shorter than the first walk. In particular, the first walk was not a \(u-v\) walk of minimum length. This contradiction serves to prove that every \(u-v\) walk of minimum length is a path.

This allows us to prove another interesting fact that will be useful later.

Let \(G\) be a connected graph, and let \(uv\) be an arbitrary edge of \(G\text{.}\) If \(G\setminus\{uv\}\) is connected, then it has only one connected component, so it satisfies our desired conclusion. Thus, we assume in the remainder of the proof that \(G\setminus\{uv\}\) is not connected.

Let \(G_u\) denote the connected component of \(G\setminus\{uv\}\) that contains the vertex \(u\text{,}\) and let \(G_v\) denote the connected component of \(G\setminus \{uv\}\) that contains the vertex \(v\text{.}\) We aim to show that \(G_u\) and \(G_v\) are the only connected components of \(G\setminus\{uv\}\text{.}\)

Let \(x\) be an arbitrary vertex of \(G\text{,}\) and suppose that \(x\) is a vertex that is not in \(G_u\text{.}\) Since \(G\) is connected, there is a \(u-x\) walk in \(G\text{,}\) and therefore by Proposition 12.3.4 there is a \(u-x\) path in \(G\text{.}\) Since \(x\) is not in \(G_u\text{,}\) this \(u-x\) path must use the edge \(u-v\text{,}\) so must start with this edge since \(u\) only occurs at the start of the path. Therefore, by removing the vertex \(u\) from the start of this path, we obtain a \(v-x\) path that does not use the vertex \(u\text{.}\) This path cannot use the edge \(uv\text{,}\) so must still be a path in \(G\setminus\{uv\}\text{.}\) Therefore \(x\) is a vertex in \(G_v\text{.}\)

Since \(x\) was arbitrary, this shows that every vertex of \(G\) must be in one or the other of the connected components \(G_u\) and \(G_v\text{,}\) so there are at most two connected components of \(G\setminus\{uv\}\text{.}\) Since \(uv\) was an arbitrary edge of \(G\) and \(G\) was an arbitrary connected graph, this shows that deleting any edge of a connected graph can never result in a graph with more than two connected components.

A cycle is like a path, except that it starts and ends at the same vertex. The structures that we will call cycles in this course, are sometimes referred to as circuits.

Definition 12.3.6.

A walk of length at least \(1\) in which no vertex appears more than once, except that the first vertex is the same as the last, is called a cycle.

Notation 12.3.7.

For \(n \ge 3\text{,}\) a graph on \(n\) vertices whose only edges are those used in a cycle of length \(n\) (which is a walk of length \(n\) that is also a cycle) is denoted by \(C_n\).

The requirement that the walk have length at least \(1\) only serves to make it clear that a walk of just one vertex is not considered a cycle. In fact, a cycle in a simple graph must have length at least \(3\text{.}\)

In the graph from Example 12.3.3, \((a,e,f,a)\) is a cycle of length \(3\text{,}\) and \((b,g,d,h,c,f,b)\) is a cycle of length \(6\text{.}\)

Here are drawings of some small paths and cycles:

We end this section with a proposition whose proof will be left as an exercise.

  1. In the graph

    1. Find a path of length \(3\text{.}\)

    2. Find a cycle of length \(3\text{.}\)

    3. Find a walk of length \(3\) that is neither a path nor a cycle. Explain why your answer is correct.

  2. Prove that in a graph, any walk that starts and ends with the same vertex and has the smallest possible non-zero length, must be a cycle.

  3. Prove Proposition 12.3.9.

  4. Prove by induction that if every vertex of a connected graph on \(n \ge 2\) vertices has valency \(1\) or \(2\text{,}\) then the graph is isomorphic to \(P_n\) or \(C_n\text{.}\)

  5. Let \(G\) be a (simple) graph on \(n\) vertices. Suppose that \(G\) has the following property: whenever \(u \nsim v\text{,}\) \(d_G(u)+d_G(v) \ge n-1\text{.}\) Prove that \(G\) is connected.