Section Solutions for Chapter 9
Solutions to Exercise 9.1.3
Solutions to Exercise 9.2.3
Inductive step: We begin with the inductive hypothesis. We will require strong induction. Let \(\displaystyle k \ge 0\) be arbitrary, and suppose that the inequality holds for every \(\displaystyle j\) with \(\displaystyle 0 \le j \le k\text{;}\) that is, assume that for every such \(\displaystyle j\text{,}\) \(\displaystyle c_j>0\text{.}\)
Now we want to deduce that \(\displaystyle c_{k+1}>0\text{.}\) Using the recursive relation, we have
Using the inductive hypothesis, we have \(\displaystyle c_j>0\) for every \(\displaystyle j\) such that \(\displaystyle 0 \le j \le k\text{.}\) Putting these together gives that \(\displaystyle c_{k+1}\) is a sum of \(\displaystyle k+1\) terms where each term has the form \(\displaystyle c_ic_{k-i}\) with \(\displaystyle 0 \le i \le k\text{.}\) Since \(\displaystyle 0 \le k-i \le k\text{,}\) we see that \(\displaystyle c_i>0\) and \(\displaystyle c_{k-i}>0\) so that \(\displaystyle c_ic_{k-i}>0\text{.}\) Hence
This completes the proof of the inductive step.
By the Principle of Mathematical Induction, \(\displaystyle c_n > 0\) for every \(\displaystyle n \ge 0\text{.}\) ◾