Section 2.3 Ramsey's Theorem: Two Colours
To see things in the seed, that is genius. — Laozi, Chinese philosopher, 6th century BC
\(\displaystyle R(3,3)=6\)
Figure 2.3.1. \(K_6\) - a complete graph on six vertices -
\(\displaystyle R(4,3)=R(3,4)=9\)
Figure 2.3.2. \(K_9\) - a complete graph on nine vertices -
\(R(4,4)=18\text{:}\) Consider a blue-red edge colouring of a \(K_{18}\text{.}\) See Figures 2.3.3 and Figure 2.2.19.
Figure 2.3.3. Step 1: Observe that each vertex \(\color{blue}{\blacksquare}\) is adjacent to 9 edges of the same colour - say red Figure 2.3.4. Step 2 — Two cases
There are only two 2-colourings of \(K_{16}\) without a monochromatic \(K_4\text{.}\)
There is only one 2-colouring of \(K_{17}\) without a monochromatic \(K_4\text{.}\)
Definition 2.3.5.
The Ramsey number \(R(s, t)\) is the minimum number \(n\) for which any edge 2-coloring of \(K_n\text{,}\) a complete graph on \(n\) vertices, in red and blue contains a red \(K_s\) or a blue \(K_t\text{.}\)
Three BIG Questions:
Does the Ramsey number \(R(s, t)\) exist for any choice of natural numbers \(s\geq 2\) and \(t\geq 2\text{?}\)
If \(R(s,t)\) exists, can we find the exact value of \(R(s,t)\text{?}\)
If \(R(s,t)\) exists and if we cannot find the exact value of \(R(s,t)\text{,}\) what are the best known bounds for \(R(s,t)\text{?}\)
What About...
Theorem 2.3.6.
Ramsey's Theorem, Two Colours. For any \(s,t\in \mathbb{N}\backslash \{ 1\}\) the Ramsey number \(R(s,t)\) exists and, for \(s,t\geq 3\text{,}\)
Observation 2.3.7.
\(R(2,2)=2, \ R(3,2)=R(2,3)=3, \ R(3,3)=6, \ R(4,2)=R(2,4)=4\text{.}\)
Observation 2.3.8.
If \(s,t\in \mathbb{N}\backslash \{ 1\}\) are such that
then \(R(s,t)\) exists!
Observation 2.3.9.
Since, for any \(s\geq 2\text{,}\) \(R(s,2)=R(2,s)=s\text{,}\) we are interested only in the question if \(R(s,t)\) exists for \(s,t\geq 3\text{.}\)
Observation 2.3.10.
Observation 2.3.11.
To prove that \(R(s,t)\text{,}\) \(s,t\geq 3\text{,}\) exists it is enough to prove that any 2-colouring of a complete graph \(K_M\) where
yields a monochromatic \(K_s\) or a monochromatic \(K_t\text{.}\) Why?
Strategy: We prove that any 2-colouring of a complete graph \(K_M\) where
yields a monochromatic \(K_s\) or a monochromatic \(K_t\) via induction on the sum \(s+t\text{.}\)
(Ramsey's Theorem, Two Colours.) Let \(s,t\geq 3\text{.}\) We use mathematical induction on the sum \(s+t\) to prove that \(R(s,t)\) exists.
The base case of induction, \(s+t=6\text{,}\) follows from the fact that \(R(3,3)=6\text{.}\)
Suppose that \(n\geq 6\) is such that for any \(u,v\geq 3\) such that \(u+v=n\) the Ramsey number \(R(u,v)\) exists.
Let \(s,t\geq 3\) by such that
Then, since
by the induction hypothesis \(R(s-1,t)\) and \(R(s,t-1)\) exist. Let
and we consider a 2-colouring of \(K_M\text{.}\) See Figure 2.3.12.
Fix a vertex. There are two possibilities. See Figure 2.3.13.
Suppose that there are at least \(R(s-1,t) \) red edges. See Figure 2.3.14.
Hence, any red/blue 2-colouring of \(K_M\) yields a red \(K_s\) or a blue \(K_t\text{.}\) Therefore \(R(s,t)\) exists and
\(s\) | \(t \) | \(R(s,t)\) | Who and When |
\(3\) | \(3\) | \(6\) | Greenwood and Gleason, 1955 |
\(3\) | \(4\) | \(9\) | Greenwood and Gleason, 1955 |
\(3\) | \(5\) | \(14\) | Greenwood and Gleason, 1955 |
\(3\) | \(6\) | \(18\) | Graver and Yackel, 1968 |
\(3\) | \(7\) | \(23\) | Kalbfleisch, 1966 |
\(3\) | \(8\) | \(28\) | McKay and Min, 1992 |
\(3\) | \(9\) | \(36\) | Grinstead and Roberts, 1982 |
\(4\) | \(4\) | \(18\) | Greenwood and Gleason, 1955 |
\(4\) | \(5\) | \(25\) | McKay and Radziszowski, 1995 |
\(s\) | \(t \) | \(R(s,t)\) | Who and When |
\(3\) | \(10\) | \([40, 42] \) | Exoo 1989, Radziszowski and Kreher 1988 |
\(3\) | \(11\) | \([46, 51] \) | Radziszowski and Kreher 1988 |
\(4\) | \(6\) | \([35, 41]\) | Exoo, McKay and Radziszowski 1995 |
\(4\) | \(7\) | \([49, 61] \) | Exoo 1989, Mackey 1994 |
\(5\) | \(5\) | \([43, 48] \) | Exoo 1989, McKay and Radziszowski 1995 |
\(5\) | \(6\) | \([58, 87] \) | Exoo 1993, Walker 1971 |
\(6\) | \(6\) | \([102, 165]\) | Kalbfleisch 1965, Mackey 1994 |
\(6\) | \(7\) | \([113, 298] \) | Exoo and Tatarevic 2015, Xu and Xie 2002 |
In Erdős' Words.
Suppose aliens invade the earth and threaten to obliterate it in a year's time unless human beings can find the Ramsey number for red five and blue five. We could marshal the world's best minds and fastest computers, and within a year we could probably calculate the value. If the aliens demanded the Ramsey number for red six and blue six, however, we would have no choice but to launch a preemptive attack.
How Big - Upper Bound.
(Via double induction on \(s\) and \(t\text{.}\))
How Big - Lower Bound. For \(s\geq 3\text{,}\)
Let \(s\geq 3\) and \(n=2^{s/2}\text{.}\) Consider a random colouring of \(K_n\) where each edge is coloured independently red or blue with probability \(0.5\text{.}\)
Choose any \(s\) vertices of \(K_n\) and consider the corresponding \(K_s\text{.}\) What is the probability that such \(K_s\) is monochromatic?
In how many different ways can we choose \(s\) vertices of \(K_n\text{?}\)
The probability that there is at least one monochromatic \(K_s\) is at most
\begin{equation*} \binom{n}{s}\cdot \frac{2}{2^{\binom{s}{2}}}\lt \frac{2n^s}{s!\cdot 2^{\frac{s(s-1)}{2}}}=\frac{2^{1+s/2}}{s!}\lt 1. \end{equation*}
Therefore: For \(s\geq 3\)
Question 2.3.17.
Suppose that we decide to use three colours, say \(\color{blue}{\text{blue}}\text{,}\) \(\color{red}{\text{red}}\text{,}\) and \(\color{green}{\text{green}}\text{.}\) Is there a something like \(R(s,t,u)\text{,}\) for \(s,t,u\in \mathbb{N}\text{?}\) In other words, is it possible to find a number \(n\) so that if the edges of \(K_n\) are coloured by one of the three colours then there will be always possible to find a \(\color{blue}{\text{blue}}\) \(K_s\) or a \(\color{red}{\text{red}}\) \(K_t\) or a \(\color{green}{\text{green}}\) \(K_u\text{?}\)
Definition 2.3.18.
Let \(m\in \mathbb{N}\backslash\{1\}\) and \(s_1,s_2,\ldots, s_m\in \mathbb{N}\backslash\{1\}\) be given. The Ramsey number \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\) is the minimum number \(n\) for which any edge \(m\)-colouring of \(K_n\text{,}\) a complete graph on \(n\) vertices, contains a monochromatic \(K_{s_i}\) for some \(i\in[1,m]\text{.}\)
Three BIG Questions:
Does the Ramsey number \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\) exist for any choice of natural numbers \(m, s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m\geq 2\text{?}\)
If \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\) exists, can we find the exact value of \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\text{?}\)
If \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\) exists and if we cannot find the exact value of \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\text{,}\) what are the best known bounds for \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\text{?}\)
Theorem 2.3.19.
Ramsey's Theorem. For any \(, s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m\in \mathbb{N}\backslash \{ 1\}\) the Ramsey number \(R(s_1, s_2,\ldots, s_m)\) exists.