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Section 3.5 van der Waerden's Theorem: A Few Related Questions

Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was. — Dag Hjalmar Agne Carl Hammarskjöld, Swedish diplomat, economist, and author, 1905 –1961

Recall Theorem 3.3.3:

Van der Waerden's Theorem: Let \(l,k\in \mathbb{N}\text{.}\) Any \(k\)-colouring of positive integers contains a monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression. Moreover, there is a natural number \(N\) such that any \(k\)-colouring of the segment of positive integers \([1,N]\) contains a monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression.

Question 3.5.1.

Is it true that any 2-colouring of positive integers contains an infinite monochromatic arithmetic progression?

Question 3.5.2.

Is it true that any infinite colouring of positive integers contains a monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression, for \(l\in\mathbb{N}\text{?}\)

Figure 3.5.4. Divide positive integers in as many parts as you wish. Possibly infinite\(\ldots\)
Figure 3.5.5. Canonical form: monochromatic or rainbow
Question 3.5.6.

Is it true that any finite colouring of positive integers contains a monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression with an odd common difference?

Question 3.5.7.

Is it true that any finite colouring of positive integers contains a monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression with an even common difference?

Figure 3.5.11. A monochromatic \(l\)-term arithmetic progression with step \(d^2\text{.}\)

\(2\)-Large and Large Sets:

We say that a set \(L\subseteq \mathbb{N}\) is 2-large if any 2-colouring of \(\mathbb{N}\) contains long monochromatic arithmetic progressions with common difference in \(L\text{.}\)

We say that a set \(L\subseteq \mathbb{N}\) is large if any finite colouring of \(\mathbb{N}\) contains long monochromatic arithmetic progressions with common difference in \(L\text{.}\)

Example 3.5.12.
  1. Is the set of all natural numbers large?

  2. Is the set of all odd numbers large?

  3. Is the set of all numbers divisible by \(3\) large?

  4. Is the set of all perfect squares large?

  5. Is the set \(\{2,6,12,,20,30,42,\ldots \}\) large?

Example 3.5.15.

Colour the 12 points below with three colours so that you use each colour four times. Can you avoid 3-term rainbow arithmetic progressions?

Figure 3.5.16. Colour with three colours; use each colour four times; look for a rainbow 3-term arithmetic progression.
Example 3.5.17.

What About... Colour the 15 points below with three colours so that you use each colour five times. Can you avoid 3-term rainbow arithmetic progressions?

Figure 3.5.18. Can you avoid rainbow 3-term arithmetic progressions?


  1. For more details see [2], [3], and [7].

  2. Large Sets - Wikipedia

  3. On the history of van der Waerden's theorem on arithmetic progressions by Tom Brown and Peter Jau-Shyong Shiue

  4. Rainbow Ramsey Theory by V. Jungic, J Nesetril, and R. Radoicic